Therapy for better self-confidence and communication

Low self-confidence, self-criticism or distrust in one’s abilities do not arise by themselves. The origins are usually in past negative programming that arose as a result of some judgmental or negative-minded authority in your life. In childhood or the formative years, we adopt what authority figures told us to be true, even if we do not like their opinion. However, sometimes that opinion is about us.

During the therapy, you have the opportunity to choose whether the image that someone has designed about you really serves and supports you in life, or if it does just the opposite – if it takes your strength, energy, and values ​​and flushes them down the toilet. When you decide to change the image that is implanted in your subconscious mind, you realize that it is easy because you have already done it once (or several times) before. From a child who believed it could do anything, you became “clumsy,” “stupid,” “empty-headed,” just because someone said it or repeated it enough times. And then you spent the rest of the time looking for (and, of course, finding) confirmation of that.

During the therapy, we stop that vicious cycle. Thanks to your inner capacities, you change that image. You discover another person who has also lived inside you all along and who has a lot to offer the world. We let that beauty, strength, and all the qualities come up to the surface, and then we create a system that will serve you in the future.

After building the foundation for better self-confidence, we use that new ability to build better communication. It can be communication with your family, friends, colleagues or extended family. In addition, we have developed a special program that deals with public speaking and communication. At this training, in addition to scientific and practical lessons, we also master those subtle/energy-related lessons that can turn any communication opportunity into a great success.

Also, during a free consultation, we can discuss what your specific situation is and agree on which approach suits you best.

Therapy for better self-confidence and communication

Low self-confidence, self-criticism or distrust in one’s abilities do not arise by themselves. The origins are usually in past negative programming that arose as a result of some judgmental or negative-minded authority in your life. In childhood or the formative years, we adopt what authority figures told us to be true, even if we do not like their opinion. However, sometimes that opinion is about us.

During the therapy, you have the opportunity to choose whether the image that someone has designed about you really serves and supports you in life, or if it does just the opposite – if it takes your strength, energy, and values ​​and flushes them down the toilet. When you decide to change the image that is implanted in your subconscious mind, you realize that it is easy because you have already done it once (or several times) before. From a child who believed it could do anything, you became “clumsy,” “stupid,” “empty-headed,” just because someone said it or repeated it enough times. And then you spent the rest of the time looking for (and, of course, finding) confirmation of that.

During the therapy, we stop that vicious cycle. Thanks to your inner capacities, you change that image. You discover another person who has also lived inside you all along and who has a lot to offer the world. We let that beauty, strength, and all the qualities come up to the surface, and then we create a system that will serve you in the future.

After building the foundation for better self-confidence, we use that new ability to build better communication. It can be communication with your family, friends, colleagues or extended family. In addition, we have developed a special program that deals with public speaking and communication. At this training, in addition to scientific and practical lessons, we also master those subtle/energy-related lessons that can turn any communication opportunity into a great success.

Also, during a free consultation, we can discuss what your specific situation is and agree on which approach suits you best.