Training Program

Week I

TimeTopicPractice session
10:00-10:45 amIntroduction

– Expectations, goals and required skills

– Exercise “Thoughts in a minute”



10:45- 11:30 am



Why communication is important

Comprehension and clarity exercises

– Exercise “Why I want to communicate well”

– Accentuation exercises

(paraverbal communication)


11:30 am -12:10 pm

How the audience / media see you – initial contact

– Exercise “Favorite aunt and a call box”

-Exercise “Who sits in your audience”

12:10-12:30 pmCoffee break 


12:30-1:50 pm

What and how to say
Creating content and key messages

– Music exercise

– Inverted pyramid exercise

1:50-2:00 pmFirst day wrap-upHomework assignments

Week II

TimeTopicPractice session

10:00-11:00 am
Analyzing homework
Group work
Learning experiences
11:00 am -12:00 pmHow you communicate and what others see/hearPractice: Send and receive a message
12:00-12:20 pmCoffee break 
12:20-1:50 pmHow and why communication problems arisePractice: Goal achievement
Practice: Understanding the needs of others
1:50-2:00 pmSecond week wrap-upHomework “Positive view”
1:50-2:00 pmFirst day wrap-upHomework assignments


Week III

TimeTopicPractice session

10:00-11:00 am
Analyzing homework
Group work
Learning experiences
11:00 am -12:00 pmPublic performance preparationRelaxation exercise
12:00-12:20 pmCoffee break 
12:20-1:50 pmFear, nervousness and public appearancePractice: “So, what?”
1:50-2:00 pmThird week wrap-upHomework “Positive view”
1:50-2:00 pmFirst day wrap-upHomework assignments


Week IV

TimeTopicPractice session
10:00-11:00 amAnalyzing homework
Group work
Learning experiences
11:00 am -12:00 pmHumor and public speakingReading time
12:00-12:20 pmCoffee break 
12:20-1:50 pmNon-verbal communicationPractice: Reading a non-verbal “setting”
1:50-2:00 pmFourth week wrap-upIndividual homework assignments
1:50-2:00 pmFirst day wrap-upHomework assignments


Week V

TimeTopicPractice session
10:00-11:00 amAnalyzing homework
Group work
Learning experiences
11:00 am -12:00 pmCrisis communicationPractice: alarm and a gun
12:00-12:20 pmCoffee break 
12:20-1:50 pmThe most common communication mistakes3 in 1 game
1:50-2:00 pmFifth week wrap-upTeam homework assignments


Week VI

TimeTopicPractice session
10:00-11:00 amAnalyzing homework
Group work
Learning experiences
11:00 am -12:00 pmExample analysis“Safety of the armchair”
12:00-12:20 pmCoffee break 
12:20-1:50 pmCommunication media analysis“Safety of the armchair”
1:50-2:00 pmSixth week wrap-upGroup homework assignments


Week VII

TimeTopicPractice session
10:00-11:00 amAnalyzing homework
Group work
Learning experiences
11:00 am -12:00 pmPublic speaking preparationGroup work – seeking a friend’s help
12:00-12:20 pmCoffee break 
12:20-1:50 pmPublic speaking preparation

Individual preparation, screenwriting, notes,

and research

1:50-2:00 pmSeventh week wrap-upHomework


TimeTopicPractice session
10:00-11:00 amAnalyzing homework
Group work
Learning experiences
11:00 am -12:00 pm

Public Speaking Simulation – Recording,

Analysis and Recommendations

Facing yourself on screen
12:00-12:20 pmCoffee break 
12:20-1:50 pm

Public Speaking Simulation – Recording,

Analysis and Recommendations

Facing yourself on screen
1:50-2:00 pmEighth week wrap-upMaking a plan for home practice

Week IX

TimeTopicPractice session
10:00-11:00 amAnalyzing homework
Group work
Learning experiences
11:00 am -12:00 pm

Public Speaking Simulation – Recording,

Analysis and Recommendations

Facing yourself on screen
12:00-12:20 pmCoffee break 
12:20-1:50 pm

Public Speaking Simulation – Recording,

Analysis and Recommendations

Facing yourself on screen
1:50-2:00 pmNinth week wrap-upHomework: Polishing the details

Week X

TimeTopicPractice session
10:00-11:00 amAnalyzing homework
Group work
Learning experiences
11:00 am -12:00 pm

Public Speaking Simulation – Recording,

Analysis and Recommendations

Progress analysis
12:00-12:20 pmBreak 
12:20-1:50 pm

Public Speaking Simulation – Recording,

Analysis and Recommendations

Trying different approaches
1:50-2:00 pmTenth week wrap-upHomework: Mini audience test

Week XI

TimeTopicPractice session
10:00-11:00 amAnalyzing homework
Group work
Learning experiences
11:00 am -12:00 pm

Public Speaking Simulation – Recording,

Analysis and Recommendations

– Insights
– Personal progress
– Need for further development
12:00-12:20 pmCoffee break 
12:20-1:50 pm

Public Speaking Simulation – Recording,

Analysis and Recommendations

– Insights
– Personal progress
– Need for further development
1:50-2:00 pmEleventh week wrap-upNo homework! Well done!

Week XII

TimeTopicPractice session
10:00 am -12:00 pmMaking a plan for every important communication and public speaking opportunityBuilding up your personal style
12:00-12:20 pmCoffee break 
12:20-1:50 pmMaking a plan for every important communication and public speaking opportunityBuilding up your personal style
1:50-2:00 pmTraining wrap-upDiplomas

Training Program

Week I

TimeTopicPractice session
10:00-10:45 amIntroduction

– Expectations, goals and required skills

– Exercise “Thoughts in a minute”



10:45- 11:30 am



Why communication is important

Comprehension and clarity exercises

– Exercise “Why I want to communicate well”

– Accentuation exercises

(paraverbal communication)


11:30 am -12:10 pm

How the audience / media see you – initial contact

– Exercise “Favorite aunt and a call box”

-Exercise “Who sits in your audience”

12:10-12:30 pmCoffee break 


12:30-1:50 pm

What and how to say
Creating content and key messages

– Music exercise

– Inverted pyramid exercise

1:50-2:00 pmFirst day wrap-upHomework assignments

Week II

TimeTopicPractice session

10:00-11:00 am
Analyzing homework
Group work
Learning experiences
11:00 am -12:00 pmHow you communicate and what others see/hearPractice: Send and receive a message
12:00-12:20 pmCoffee break 
12:20-1:50 pmHow and why communication problems arisePractice: Goal achievement
Practice: Understanding the needs of others
1:50-2:00 pmSecond week wrap-upHomework “Positive view”
1:50-2:00 pmFirst day wrap-upHomework assignments


Week III

TimeTopicPractice session

10:00-11:00 am
Analyzing homework
Group work
Learning experiences
11:00 am -12:00 pmPublic performance preparationRelaxation exercise
12:00-12:20 pmCoffee break 
12:20-1:50 pmFear, nervousness and public appearancePractice: “So, what?”
1:50-2:00 pmThird week wrap-upHomework “Positive view”
1:50-2:00 pmFirst day wrap-upHomework assignments


Week IV

TimeTopicPractice session
10:00-11:00 amAnalyzing homework
Group work
Learning experiences
11:00 am -12:00 pmHumor and public speakingReading time
12:00-12:20 pmCoffee break 
12:20-1:50 pmNon-verbal communicationPractice: Reading a non-verbal “setting”
1:50-2:00 pmFourth week wrap-upIndividual homework assignments
1:50-2:00 pmFirst day wrap-upHomework assignments


Week V

TimeTopicPractice session
10:00-11:00 amAnalyzing homework
Group work
Learning experiences
11:00 am -12:00 pmCrisis communicationPractice: alarm and a gun
12:00-12:20 pmCoffee break 
12:20-1:50 pmThe most common communication mistakes3 in 1 game
1:50-2:00 pmFifth week wrap-upTeam homework assignments


Week VI

TimeTopicPractice session
10:00-11:00 amAnalyzing homework
Group work
Learning experiences
11:00 am -12:00 pmExample analysis“Safety of the armchair”
12:00-12:20 pmCoffee break 
12:20-1:50 pmCommunication media analysis“Safety of the armchair”
1:50-2:00 pmSixth week wrap-upGroup homework assignments


Week VII

TimeTopicPractice session
10:00-11:00 amAnalyzing homework
Group work
Learning experiences
11:00 am -12:00 pmPublic speaking preparationGroup work – seeking a friend’s help
12:00-12:20 pmCoffee break 
12:20-1:50 pmPublic speaking preparation

Individual preparation, screenwriting, notes,

and research

1:50-2:00 pmSeventh week wrap-upHomework


TimeTopicPractice session
10:00-11:00 amAnalyzing homework
Group work
Learning experiences
11:00 am -12:00 pm

Public Speaking Simulation – Recording,

Analysis and Recommendations

Facing yourself on screen
12:00-12:20 pmCoffee break 
12:20-1:50 pm

Public Speaking Simulation – Recording,

Analysis and Recommendations

Facing yourself on screen
1:50-2:00 pmEighth week wrap-upMaking a plan for home practice

Week IX

TimeTopicPractice session
10:00-11:00 amAnalyzing homework
Group work
Learning experiences
11:00 am -12:00 pm

Public Speaking Simulation – Recording,

Analysis and Recommendations

Facing yourself on screen
12:00-12:20 pmCoffee break 
12:20-1:50 pm

Public Speaking Simulation – Recording,

Analysis and Recommendations

Facing yourself on screen
1:50-2:00 pmNinth week wrap-upHomework: Polishing the details

Week X

TimeTopicPractice session
10:00-11:00 amAnalyzing homework
Group work
Learning experiences
11:00 am -12:00 pm

Public Speaking Simulation – Recording,

Analysis and Recommendations

Progress analysis
12:00-12:20 pmBreak 
12:20-1:50 pm

Public Speaking Simulation – Recording,

Analysis and Recommendations

Trying different approaches
1:50-2:00 pmTenth week wrap-upHomework: Mini audience test

Week XI

TimeTopicPractice session
10:00-11:00 amAnalyzing homework
Group work
Learning experiences
11:00 am -12:00 pm

Public Speaking Simulation – Recording,

Analysis and Recommendations

– Insights
– Personal progress
– Need for further development
12:00-12:20 pmCoffee break 
12:20-1:50 pm

Public Speaking Simulation – Recording,

Analysis and Recommendations

– Insights
– Personal progress
– Need for further development
1:50-2:00 pmEleventh week wrap-upNo homework! Well done!

Week XII

TimeTopicPractice session
10:00 am -12:00 pmMaking a plan for every important communication and public speaking opportunityBuilding up your personal style
12:00-12:20 pmCoffee break 
12:20-1:50 pmMaking a plan for every important communication and public speaking opportunityBuilding up your personal style
1:50-2:00 pmTraining wrap-upDiplomas